Rabbit Garden


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I like the concept of "tech candy". Basically writings that you can read and have fun while also causing a euphoric sugar rush. It's candy all right.

I'm listing all candy I find.

Tiger Beetle design doc


Want to design a performance critical, safety critical system but don't know how? These guys are spelling it out for you and you are NOT paying attention. Read this at least once in your life.

Crafting Interpreters

Not a blog article, but a whole book that looks and feels like you're reading the best blog article ever written on interpreters and how to implement your own. You implement a language called "Lox", a dynamically typed language. One implementation is using Java, the other one uses C for more performance related concepts and low level constructs.

Writing an Interpreter in Go

This book is good. Teaches you how an interpreter works from start to finish with up to date code examples using a fairly new version of Golang.

Tech Notes by Evan Martin

Core Chromium contributor/Ninja creator has a blog about software. You should be thankful you have this resource to read. https://neugierig.org/software/blog/

Fav: https://neugierig.org/software/blog/2022/10/retrowin32.html



The best rabbit hole I've ever went into. My personal faves: https://www.agner.org/optimize/optimizing_cpp.pdf


Art of Assembly

Shows that Assembly language is not God's restricted knowledge or a taboo.

Dump your JS brain into the bin. https://flint.cs.yale.edu/cs422/doc/art-of-asm/pdf/


Optimization meets art meets crazy people https://www.pouet.net/

Rob Pike

His website. http://herpolhode.com/rob/

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Logical Verification

Formal proof guide in Lean. https://browncs1951x.github.io/static/files/hitchhikersguide.pdf

Vim As Your Editor

A video series by ThePrimeagen on how to start using Vim and how to get used to motions, from the basics to more advanced concepts.

Bonus: Meditation

this is not tech, just candy. Meditate https://when-then-zen.christine.website/

#articles #recommendations #tech